Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to make money on betta Fish

Hi there,  do you like fish and money?  If so, then here are some ways to make money with betta fish.  get yourself a 1/2 gallon tank with a female betta inside. then get a ten gallon tank with a male betta inside. be sure to fill the tank with lots of plants. cut a stirophome cup longways in half, then let it float at the surface of the water. this is what the male betta will make his nest under. wait at least a day so he can get used to the new environment. then, get the female and put her under a drinking glass inside the ten gallon tank. the male will notice her and try to fight her, but there is glass seperating them. when female and male get used to eachother, there gills will flair and then they will "dance". this is when they wiggle and shake there fins at eachother. wait untill the male leaves her. he will go to the foam cup and make a bubble nest under it. when he is done, release the female betta out from under the glass. they will play tag untill the male catches the female. when he does, they will choose a plant to hide in. now they will mate. the male will wrap around the female for sevral minuets. he will release her and you should see a small white egg in the bottom of the female. they will rest for a few seconds. they will repeat the process many times. the female will drop many eggs and the male will take the eggs in his mouth. (don't worry, he is not eating them.) he will deposite the eggs into the nest. wait untill they finish and no more eggs are visible in the female betta. now put her in the 1/2 gallon tank and let her wounds heal. the male will get very mean. this is because he is protecting his eggs untill they hatch. when the eggs hatch, take out the babies and them alone in a small tank ALONE. this is because the male will eat them. feed the babies betta flakes. but before feeding the flakes to them, crush them up a little more then feed them. when these babies are produced and hatched, you can sell them for a profit.
Well i hope it works and enjoy!
This an excample of a betta's mating tank, nice and full.
This is an excample of a bubble nest under a foam cup.
This is what it looks like when bettas mate
these are some eggs in the bubble nest
Here are some baby bettas, known as betta Fry

Friday, October 19, 2012

betta fish

this is my little betta fish. i picked him up at my local walmart two days ago. he looked perfectly fine because he was a new shipment. but one thing i noticed is that walmart mistreat there fish. most are dead, starved, sick, moldy, and other problems. I really wish it was not that way.
this is how wallmart treats these creatures. they are trapped in dirty little containers and starved. as you can see, these contaiers are really foggy and full of fecies. the water color is yellow because amonya very quickly builds up. the amonya is toxic and burs the fishes eyes, gills, and fins.
this is what i ceep my little betta fish in. it is a half gallon tank. it is five dollar, but the extras are sold seperetly. the gravel is about $5.00, the food is $2.00 and plants are $0.99. betta fish are fun and easy to care for if you do it right. the tank will come with a divider, do NOT use it because the betta needs his room. Also, bettas are not friendly!! ceep them alone in there tank. do not put them with other bettas or fish.
This is the food i use. it is betta flakes. you feed the betta a pinch in the morning, and a pinch at night.

this is betta pellets. your betta fish gets three pellets in the morning and three at night.

these are excamples of bad environments for betta fish. they are too small for any swimming room or room to stretch there fins.

i suggest you get your self a betta fish. he will bring joy and company. take care!!
 ( if i forgot something please coment)