Friday, October 19, 2012

betta fish

this is my little betta fish. i picked him up at my local walmart two days ago. he looked perfectly fine because he was a new shipment. but one thing i noticed is that walmart mistreat there fish. most are dead, starved, sick, moldy, and other problems. I really wish it was not that way.
this is how wallmart treats these creatures. they are trapped in dirty little containers and starved. as you can see, these contaiers are really foggy and full of fecies. the water color is yellow because amonya very quickly builds up. the amonya is toxic and burs the fishes eyes, gills, and fins.
this is what i ceep my little betta fish in. it is a half gallon tank. it is five dollar, but the extras are sold seperetly. the gravel is about $5.00, the food is $2.00 and plants are $0.99. betta fish are fun and easy to care for if you do it right. the tank will come with a divider, do NOT use it because the betta needs his room. Also, bettas are not friendly!! ceep them alone in there tank. do not put them with other bettas or fish.
This is the food i use. it is betta flakes. you feed the betta a pinch in the morning, and a pinch at night.

this is betta pellets. your betta fish gets three pellets in the morning and three at night.

these are excamples of bad environments for betta fish. they are too small for any swimming room or room to stretch there fins.

i suggest you get your self a betta fish. he will bring joy and company. take care!!
 ( if i forgot something please coment)

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